アークマニア・スーパーフラッシュライト5・オスラム オースター




Dear CLF / International SF-V owners / customers,

I heard that someone complained to Mike= ARCmania regarding my shop's pricing , as I am selling SF-V at "LOW" price on my shop.
I wish to clarify this complain is inadequate complain based on misunderstanding, gross price on CLF vs net price on my shop and lack of knowledge of developing history of SF-V. The price difference is based on difference of the exchange rate in long developing time. I should say my price is adequate based on developing history.

1 : My shop's price 89,800JPY is based on the exchange rate when I made payment long time ago. I covered approx half of developing fee. Also, I made some comittements of future PO based on that eachange rate.
2 : Original target price was "approx US$700". I announced to my loyal customers the price will be approx US$700. (More than 25,000 page views.) Therefore I could ask US$800 include upgrade cost of $100 as maximum on my shop.
3 : CLF pre-pay at US$750 started after Mike's developing cost increased by technical dificulty of SF-V (or OSTAR). But, obviously, I MUST keep promised price of $700. Does not matter I make loss or not. (This price 89,800JPY will make this project break even if I could sell all inventories. But does NOT include costs of some comittements. I have potential loss on SF-V. Therefore Mike should be in red account.)
4 : My shop's price is net price. Customers must pay shipping and handling fee in case he/she choose the secure payment method. But CLF price is gross price.
5 : This kind of price differemce happens quite often on Japanese customers whom made pre-pay on CPF. Sometimes Japanese cutomers pay higher pre-pay price than retail price due to difference of exchange rate. But I have not heard any Japanese CPFers complained about price difference. Obviously this price could have been much higher than CLF price if developping cost became lower than expectations later, or exchage rate was higher when I made payment.
6 : This is quite rare case that Japanese customers could have benefit of exchange rate and announced price. US / International customers have benefits on most of case due to steep overhead in Japan and Japanese high tax , (yet poor social service). US customers have had benefits of low tax / overheads of U.S.A..

So, why can't you accept this very rare case that Japanese flashaholics could have benefit of exchange rate.
Also, I am sure US / International flashaholics pay less than Japanese flashaholics in annual payment, because most of finest lights are made in U.S.A..
Exp : I had to pay US$999.35 at 3% higher exchange rate (Bank's remittance rate TTS is steep.) for 2 pcs Don's light total net price was US$850. It means Don got only 83% of my cost. So, Mike received much less than your price of $850 for sure, even he use EMS instead of FedEx of Don's case.

Therefore please e-mail me if you have any complains / questions about pricing. Please NEVER complains to Mike.

My E-mail account : info"at" The e-mail tittle must include "SF-V" for filtering . ("at" is @)
Also, I am willing to explain on phone. Please note your phone number, time zone and preferable time to have a call. Obviously, "Talk" is better than e-mail, as faster transaction and tone of voice should work better to understand each other.
(Well known City name on your time zone will help me a lot to check accurate time on internet.)

Thank you for your understanding.


Chiharu Inukai
Pro Light Japan
In case you are willing to call me : Please call 11:00-23:00 at Japanese standard time (+9 GMT) .

★ARCmania氏オリジナルライト、OSRAM OSTAR LE UW E3B(QX 以上)使用のSuper Flashlight-V (SF-V)です。

・ 国内では当店だけが正規販売店になります。

★近日入荷のロットはOSRAM株式会社様の正規代理店の富士通エレクトロニクス株式会社様正規品のQY 4D です。抜き取りテストでは約850+Lm@700mA、1,100Lm@1.0Aの1100ルーメンOSTARになります。但しバッテリーの能力から1.0A駆動はCR123 x4セルでは不可能です。


★使用LED :OSRAM社ドイツ工場製 OSTAR LE UW E3B、 bin QY 4D
注:LEDは生ものですので、今後も継続的にQYランク、4Dカラー入荷保証は出来ません。LE UW E3Bまでの指定購入で、binは入荷まで不明です。また、ランクはPZ, QX, QY, QZがございますが、QZはLuxeon-IIIのVランク同様未だ存在していません。

・PZ : 610-710Lm@700mA
・QX : 710-820Lm@700mA
・QY : 820-970Lm@700mA
・QZ : 970-1,120Lm@700mA

1:コンバーターはARCmania氏+Wayne Yamaguchi氏の共同制作の4段階調光式です。
・OFF>>ON : Low : 約100mA>> Mid :約 250mA>> High : 約500mA>> Boost : 800mA
・注:Low, Mod, Highの電流値はVfによる影響を受けると推測しています。「およそ」とお考え下さい。
・注2: Highの公称値「500mA」は「350mA」の間違いではないかと推測しています。

2:参考Lumen値:約700+Torch Lumen (MAX時:ピークは約750 Torch Lumenでした。)


3:ヘッド/ボディー一体構造:放熱の為です。熱抵抗約0.7K/W (米国有名メーカーさんの小型Luxeon-Vライトが約2+K/Wです。SF-Vは約3倍放熱性に優れています。)



6:HA-III ナチュラルは表面程の為とご理解下さい。完全な色合わせは化学的に事実上不可能です。HA-IIIの色合わせ自体はかなり良い方だと思いますが、残念な事にボディーにへアラインが有ります。(下の写真ご参照下さい。)

7:使用アルミ:米国航空機産業用6061 T-6です。地金を取り寄せましたが、国産6061とは艶が全く違います。(米国製は艶が有り質感、強度共に上です。)


RCR123 x4個も使用可能です。但し、RCR123のバランス(容量の個体差など)が取れていないと弱い個体の放電が早くなり、早期にシャットダウンします。その場合4個のバッテリー電圧を測り、低いものを(印でも付けて)除外して他のRCR123と組み合わせて下さい。4直列の場合、上位12/20を使用したときランタイムが約50%伸びました。(MF1000でテスト。)

・定格700mAと1.0Aでは1.0A時に約1割強(だけ)視認距離が伸びます。遠方照射は照度の平方根に比例しますが、約25%の光束アップですので、1.25のルートは約1.12、約1割の遠方照射力アップになります。その1割の効果の代償として、バッテリー負荷は1.5倍になりランタイムは半分近くに落ちます。更に明順応の為、遠方の視認性は照度アップに比例しません。(OSTARの出力をCR123A x 4個で負担したときの1.5倍の電流時には多くのCR123の限界付近又は限界を超えるため電圧降下/バッテリーの発熱が顕著になります。


★注意: 出来るだけ米国又は国産の良質なCR123をお使い下さい。



★下記写真のLEDは旧OSTAR LEW E3Bです。



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